medi PT control® soft orthosis | 合法藥品大搜索
mediPTcontrol®helpstoguideandstabilisemovementofthepatella.Thephysioglidehingeonthebracemimicstheroll-glidemovementofthekneeand ...
medi PT control® helps to guide and stabilise movement of the patella. The physioglide hinge on the brace mimics the roll-glide movement of the knee and ensures a secure fit on the leg. In combination with the compressive medi Airtex+ material, the product convinces with high wearing comfort.
With the patella guidance clamp, the medi PT control® secures patellar movement and counteracts lateralisation of the patella. Straightening (extension) and bending (flexion) of the knee can be set within certain limits. The knee brace is used for all indications, in which a correction and/or relief and protection of patellatracking in defined range of motion is necessary. This is the case for conservative or postoperative treatment after luxation of the patella and in patellofemoral pain syndrome[1]. It is also advisable to wear medi PT control® for lateral malalignment and associated instability of the knee. medi PT control® can also be used after retropatellar cartilage surgery.
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medi PT control® soft orthosis | 合法藥品大搜索
medi PT control® soft orthosis | 合法藥品大搜索
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