Management of HIVAIDS | 合法藥品大搜索
Theuseofmultipledrugsthatactondifferentviraltargetsisknownashighlyactiveantiretroviraltherapy(HAART).HAARTdecreasesthepatient'stotalburdenof ...
Medical management of HIV/AIDS
The management of HIV/AIDS normally includes the use of multiple antiretroviral drugs as a strategy to control HIV infection.[1] There are several classes of antiretroviral agents that act on different stages of the HIV life-cycle. The use of multiple drugs that act on different viral targets is known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). HAART decreases the patients total burden of HIV, maintains function of the immune system, and prevents opportunistic infections that often lead to death.[2] HAART also prevents the transmission of HIV between serodiscordant same-sex and opposite-sex partners so long as the HIV-positive partner maintains an undetectable viral load.[3]
Treatment has been so successful that in many parts of the world, HIV has become a chronic condition in which progression to AIDS is increasingly rare. Anthony Fauci, former head of the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has writt...
What is antiretroviral therapy for HIV? Regimen and drugs list | 合法藥品大搜索
Treatment | Living with HIV | HIV Basics | 合法藥品大搜索
HIV Treatment | 合法藥品大搜索
Management of HIVAIDS | 合法藥品大搜索
AIDSHIV Treatments | 合法藥品大搜索
HIV: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) - Types | 合法藥品大搜索
HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy | 合法藥品大搜索
ART for HIV | 合法藥品大搜索
Starting antiretroviral treatment for HIV | 合法藥品大搜索
HIV and AIDS | 合法藥品大搜索
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【賽富定-HIV 1/2】粒子凝集法測試人類血清或血漿中之 ANTI-HIV 1?2,篩檢用。
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