Diazoxide - Mechanism, Indication | 合法藥品大搜索
Mechanism :Diazoxide is a potassium channel activator, which causes local relaxation in smooth muscle by increasing membrane permeability to potassium ions. This switches off voltage-gated calcium ion channels which inhibits the generation of an action potential It is used as a vasodilator in the treatment of acute hypertension, and to decrease the secretion of insulin[1] in disease states such as insulin[2]oma.
Indication : Intractable hypoglycemiaPrader Willi Syndrome Contraindications :Known hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation or to other thiazides. Use is contraindicated in hypoglycemia cases which are amenable to surgery or specific therapy. Blood pressure should be monitored and in cases of sodium and water retention diuretics may be used. Should be used with in caution in patients with Congestive Cardiac failure. Should be used with caution in patients with severe renal impairment. On extravasation leads to ischemia and necrosis. Monitor white...
Diazoxide: Uses | 合法藥品大搜索
Diazoxide | 合法藥品大搜索
Clinical use of diazoxide and mechanism for its hyperglycemic ... | 合法藥品大搜索
Mechanism of diazoxide hyperglycemia in animals | 合法藥品大搜索
On the mechanism of diazoxide | 合法藥品大搜索
Therapy for persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of ... | 合法藥品大搜索
Diazoxide | 合法藥品大搜索
Proglycem (diazoxide) dosing | 合法藥品大搜索
Diazoxide - Mechanism, Indication | 合法藥品大搜索
藥品名稱:使壓寧錠10公絲(亥爪拉壬)許可證字號:衛署藥製字第018448號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:高血壓劑型:藥品類別:須由...
藥品名稱:血平錠1公絲許可證字號:內衛藥製字第005243號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:高血壓劑型:藥品類別:須由醫師處方使用主成...
藥品名稱:安血平注射液許可證字號:內衛藥製字第004020號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:高血壓危象劑型:藥品類別:限由醫師使用主成...
藥品名稱:喜胃優膠囊許可證字號:衛署藥製字第031749號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:胃酸過多、胃潰瘍症劑型:藥品類別:醫師藥師藥...
藥品名稱:益壓落錠10公絲許可證字號:衛署藥輸字第007399號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:本態性高血壓症劑型:藥品類別:須由醫師...
藥品名稱:得平痙錠許可證字號:衛部藥製字第059225號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:平滑肌痙攣緩解及鎮痛。劑型:藥品類別:須由醫師...
藥品名稱:血壓速平錠許可證字號:衛署藥輸字第001626號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:本態性高血壓、腎性高血壓劑型:藥品類別:須由...
藥品名稱:舒爾平錠許可證字號:衛署藥製字第012898號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:高血壓症劑型:藥品類別:須由醫師處方使用主成分...
藥品名稱:壓至平錠25公絲許可證字號:衛署藥輸字第017415號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:嚴重高血壓、腎血管性高血壓以及傳統療...
藥品名稱:舒平注射液許可證字號:衛署藥製字第024024號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:支氣管氣喘、小兒氣喘、咳嗽、過敏性鼻炎、蕁...