Levodopa and Carbidopa | 合法藥品大搜索
Whyisthismedicationprescribed?...ThecombinationoflevodopaandcarbidopaisusedtotreatthesymptomsofParkinson'sdiseaseandParkinson's-like ...
The combination of levodopa and carbidopa comes as a regular tablet, an orally disintegrating tablet, an extended-release (long-acting) tablet, and an extended-release (long-acting) capsule to take by mouth. The combination of levodopa and carbidopa also comes as a suspension (liquid) to be given into your stomach through a PEG-J tube (a tube surgically inserted through the skin and stomach wall) or sometimes through a naso-jejunal tube (NJ; a tube inserted into your nose and down to your stomach) using a special infusion pump. The regular and orally disintegrating tablets are usually taken three or four times a day. The extended-release tablet is usually taken two to four times a day. The extended-release capsule is usually taken three to five times a day. The suspension is usually given as a morning dose (given by infusion over 10 to 30 minutes) and then as a continuous dose (given by infusion over 16 hours), with extra doses given no more than once every 2 hours as needed to cont...
藥理學-Levodopa與Carbidopa | 合法藥品大搜索
心寧美® 25100錠心寧美® 25250錠 | 合法藥品大搜索
奇美醫療體系 | 合法藥品大搜索
Levodopa and Carbidopa | 合法藥品大搜索
Carbidopa-Levodopa Oral: Uses | 合法藥品大搜索
Carbidopa and levodopa Uses | 合法藥品大搜索
Sinemet (Carbidopa-Levodopa): Uses | 合法藥品大搜索
Levodopa with benserazide or carbidopa in Parkinson disease | 合法藥品大搜索
Amantadine and a fixed combination of levodopa and ... | 合法藥品大搜索
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