Diphenhydramine salicylate | 合法藥品大搜索
DiphenhydraminesalicylateProductingredientforDiphenhydramine...Diphenhydramine-perhapsknownmostcommonlyasitsbrandnameformulationBenadryl ...
Diphenhydramine[1]Diphenhydramine - perhaps known most commonly as its brand name formulation Benadryl - is a first-generation H1 receptor antihistamine that is used extensively for the treatment of seasonal allergies, insect bites and stings, and rashes 9,10,11,17. However, it also has antiemetic, antitussive, hypnotic, and antiparkinson properties 11,16. As histamine receptors exist both peripherally and in the central nervous system, diphenhydramine has been shown to cause sedation due to its competitive antagonism of histamine H1 receptors within the central nervous system 9,10,11,17,5. While its use in allergy therapy can sometimes fall out of favor due to its sedative effect, diphenhydramine has been repurposed for use within many non-prescription over-the-counter sleep aids and cough-and-cold medications that have been marketed for "night time" use 9,12,13.
Diphenhydramine is also used in combination with 8-chlorotheophylline[2] as the anti-nausea drug Dimenhydrinate[...
Diphenhydramine salicylate | 合法藥品大搜索
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diphenhydramine salicylate (CHEBI:34720) | 合法藥品大搜索
學名藥DIPHENHYDRAMINE SALICYLATE 呼吸系統皮膚表皮 ... | 合法藥品大搜索
Diphenhydramine salicylate | 合法藥品大搜索
diphenhydramine and magnesium salicylate | 合法藥品大搜索
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