Propafenone (Rythmol, Rythmol SR) | 合法藥品大搜索
What Other Drugs Interact with Propafenone?
If your doctor has directed you to use this medication[1], your doctor or pharmacist[2] may already be aware of any possible drug interactions and may be monitoring you for them. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine before checking with your doctor, health[3] care provider or pharmacist first.
Severe interactions of propafenone include:
Propafenone has serious interactions with at least 27 different drugs.
Propafenone has moderate interactions with at least 131 different drugs.
Propafenone has mild interactions with at least 90 different drugs.
This document does not contain all possible interactions. Therefore, before using this product, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all the products you use. Keep a list of all your medications with you, and share the list with your doctor and pharmacist. Check with your physician[4] if you have he...
NEW RYTHMOL SR (propafenone hydrochloride) | 合法藥品大搜索
Rythmol (Propafenone): Uses, Dosage | 合法藥品大搜索
Propafenone (Rythmol, Rythmol SR) | 合法藥品大搜索
Rythmol (propafenone) dosing | 合法藥品大搜索
Common and Rare Side Effects for propafenone oral | 合法藥品大搜索
Propafenone Considerations for Use | 合法藥品大搜索
Propafenone | 合法藥品大搜索
Propafenone: Uses | 合法藥品大搜索
Propafenone: Side Effects, Dosage, Uses | 合法藥品大搜索
Propafenone contraindicated in the elderly? | 合法藥品大搜索
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【脈泰克膜衣錠400毫克】MULTAQ適用於最近6個月內有陣發性或持續性心房纖維顫動 (AF) 或心房撲動 (AFL),且目前處於竇性節律(sinus rhythm)狀態的患者,可降低病患發生心房顫動而住院的風險。
藥品名稱:脈泰克膜衣錠400毫克許可證字號:衛署藥輸字第025224號許可證種類:製 劑適應症:MULTAQ適用於最近6個月內有陣發性或...
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